Tengo el placer de presentaros a Bimba, el nuevo miembro de nuestra familia. La hemos adoptado porque su familia, a pesar del lo muchísimo que la querían, ya no podían tenerla. El niño pequeño de la familia empezó con una alergia importante que incluso le provocaba dificultad respiratoria y por recomendación médica la perrita tenía que salir de la casa.
Tiene 6 meses, es de raza scottish terrier y es simpatiquísima y cariñosa. No para de jugar y ya ha hecho varias trastadas (mis plantas, mis alfombras, los juguetes de las niñas, las revistas...) En el poquito tiempo que lleva con nosotros ya nos tiene enamorados. Y algo muy importante, ¡¡¡se lleva fenomenal con Buzz!!!
I am pleased to introduce you to Bimba, the newest member of our family. We've adopted her because her family, despite how much they loved her, they couldn´t have her at home any more. The little boy of the family began with a major allergy that caused him respiratory distress and on medical advice the dog had to leave the house.
She is 6 months old, scottish terrier and she is very nice and caring. She can´t stop playing and has already made several mischieves (my plants, my carpets, my daughters toys, my magazines ...) In this short time we are already in love with her. And something really important: she gets along with Buzz!!!
She is 6 months old, scottish terrier and she is very nice and caring. She can´t stop playing and has already made several mischieves (my plants, my carpets, my daughters toys, my magazines ...) In this short time we are already in love with her. And something really important: she gets along with Buzz!!!
Fotos: Oh que perro!
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