La razón para hacerlo así es que, con el tiempo, nuestro perro ha desarrollado una flora bacteriana específica en su intestino que es la que le ayuda a digerir los alimentos y a su absorción, así como para la síntesis de ciertas vitaminas. La flora forma un ecosistema complejo que se autorregula y se mantiene en equilibrio. Un cambio brusco de dieta altera este equilibrio y puede provocar trastornos digestivos como diarrea, estreñimiento, flatulencia, meteorismo o dolor.
Una pauta de mezcla de la nueva comida con la antigua va a permitir que el sistema digestivo de tu perro se adapte mejor y se evitará cualquier alteración en su aparato digestivo.
La pauta, salvo indicación expresa del veterinario, será de esta forma:
Días 1 y 2: 70% comida antigua - 30% comida nueva
Días 3 y 4: 50% comida antigua - 50% comida nueva
Días 5 y 6: 30% comida antigua - 70% comida nueva
En adelante: 100% comida nueva
Esta pauta deberá utilizarse cada vez que queramos cambiar la comida a nuestro perro.
When we change our dog´s food often advise us not to do it at one but introduce the new food gradually.
The reason to make it like that is that, with the time, our dog has developed a specific intestinal flora in his intestine that is the one that helps him to digest the food and to his absorption, as well as for the synthesis of certain vitamins. The flora forms a complex ecosystem that regulates itself and is kept in balance. A sudden change in diet can alter this balance and cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, bloating or pain.
A guideline of mixture of the new food with the former one is going to allow that the digestive system of your dog should adapt better and any alteration will be avoided in his digestive tract.
The guideline, except express indication of the veterinarian, will be in this way:
On the 1st and 2nd: 70 % ancient food - 30 % new food
On The 3rd and 4th: 50 % ancient food - 50 % new food
On The 5th and 6th: 30 % ancient food - 70 % new food
In forward: 100 % new food
This guideline will have to be in use whenever let's let's want to change the food to our dog.
Fotos via Pinterest
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